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laura quade

I am an Atom

Updated: Aug 11, 2023

My nucleus is my core. It is the driving force behind my fear and love, The part of me that regulates and connects the concepts I care about; The projects I take on, and the people I hold dear.

My nucleus. My center. Is the force of everything that I care to think about. My nucleus. My message, mantra, and mission. But around my nucleus are my electrons. The ideas, people, and projects that make it real.

That make "it" make "sense."

That outline the message Declare the mantra And support the mission For the longest time I dreamed of opening a hostel in my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia. At times, the hostel felt like a nucleus. The hostel was not my nucleus. The hostel was an electron. Long before the hostel, I became a lover of travel. Another electron. Long before I traveled, I appreciated diversity. Another electron. Long before diversity, I felt connection. Another electron. Long before connection, I felt supported. Another electron. Long before support, I began to learn. Another electron. Long before I learned, I played. Another electron. ... But then there was the hostel. The hostel seemed, and became, the pinnacle electron. ... Until it wasn't. Atlanta was not ready for a hostel. Not because its public transportation system was sub-par Though it was. And not in spite of having the busiest airport in the world. Though it did. Atlanta was not ready for a hostel because Atlanta did not play. And if Atlanta did not play, It could not learn And if it did not learn, it could not support. And without support, It would not connect. And if it did not connect, Diversity would not be appreciated. And without appreciating diversity, Travel will not feel welcome. And if Atlanta did not love, and feel loved by travelers, It would not be ready for a hostel. ... Long after the first dream of the hostel, many other electrons emerged. Tangible electrons. Electrons like public art and playgrounds. Sustainable cutlery, playful table cloths, and airstream trailers that don't just glamp. Electrons like friends and family, teachers, strangers, and public figures. Electrons like ordinary items that lead to extraordinary interactions. Electrons like pure accidents that lead to unpredictable circumstances. Subtle, yet playful, these electrons are the elements and traditions of togetherness, rooted in the same core belief. My core belief. My nucleus; My mission, mantra, and message. Togetherness through Parallel Play. Equally human, slightly together, our experience is best when it's shared. And when we share our electrons, we join together to become molecules. Celebrating of our samenesses, our molecules promote play. And when we play, we build community centers, villages, and sometimes hostels.

We are at our best when we're togetherish.


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